OMFG: Ford Mustang Recalled Again News Staff
by News Staff
The Mustang has been recalled again.

Get it together people. Ford has issued a recall for over 30,000 Mustang vehicles from the 2022 and 2023 model years due to a problem with a steering sensor, which may increase the risk of a crash.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the recall is related to a secondary steering torque sensor that may have been improperly calibrated. This issue could cause the steering wheel to move side to side involuntarily.

The improperly calibrated digital sensor may lead to unintentional steering wheel movements, which could result in a loss of vehicle control and an increased crash risk. Ford reported the recall to NHTSA on June 28, stating that 30,735 Mustang vehicles might be affected. The company is not aware of any accidents or injuries resulting from this issue as of the report date.

The fix from your Ford dealer is relatively simple.

To address this problem, affected Mustang owners can have their vehicle's Steering Control Module (PSCM) software updated for free at a Ford dealership. Notifications will be sent to the owners via mail. Additionally, those who have already paid for this repair may qualify for reimbursement if the repair was conducted before the recall notice, with reimbursement available until August 22, 2024.

This is Ford's second recall of the Mustang in the last month, with 2024 cars suffering from a faulty clutch line that could leak and allow fluid to spill onto the hot exhaust manifold, causing an underhood fire. No wonder the company's bottom line is suffering, with quality like this, who needs competitors?

This article was co-written using AI and was then heavily edited and optimized by our editorial team.

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  • Dave Stiscak Dave Stiscak on Jul 08, 2024

    Tried and true it is. The less expensive option ( upon initial installation) it is not. Factor in the cost of the multitude of recalls and it certainly looks better The new direction or engineering and procurement seems misguided.

    Billions in recall costs isn't an effective cost or labor reduction plan. Less than optimal design and sourcing from low cost suppliers is not the turning out well.

    Great approach for purchasing sneakers online. Not the best in manufacturing.

  • Ninja250 Ninja250 on Jul 08, 2024

    Chinese quality without the Chinese. Sad part is that Ford thinks software reprogramming is actually a repair.
